A Modern Approach For Accelerating Your Business
With One Foot on the Brake!

How might our industry or business be affected by this pandemic in the longer-term?

Are we really exploiting the value drivers in our business?

Is there a way to turn a NO into Yes w/ your Bank?

Should we be raising capital right now and if so, how and how much?

Should our business proceed with its sale process and if so, exactly when and how?

Is now the right time to recruit and if so, how do we maximize ROI?

Are there ways to find cash in the business that we aren’t thinking about?
CFO Alliance and Victory Partners partnered up for an interactive panel discussion exploring strategies for accelerating your business while keeping one foot on the brake. Join us as we discuss the Top 5 Financial Recovery Actions every business should take.
Headline Speakers

Brooke Evans
Founder & CEO – CFO Alliance

Todd Lazenby
Founding Partner – Victory Partners
Two industry veterans from public accounting, private equity, and investment banking discuss a variety of topics focused on navigating your business through uncertain times and preserving enterprise value as the economy re-opens.
Additional Resources for Business Owners

Webinar - 13 Week Cash Flow Forecast During a Downturn
Plan and prepare and project as we might, in business as in life, not everything is within our control.
But there are elements within your control. You just need all the pieces of the puzzle to see what they are.
So, how can you take financial control during these uncertain times?
To answer this question, CFO Alliance will be hosting a live webinar on March 31st to discuss 13- Week Cash Flow Forecasts.

13-Week Cash Flow Forecast: A Personalized Tool For Your Business
13 Week Cashflow Forecast is a pragmatic tool that gives you real information you can use to manage vendors, maintain bank relationships, and to have peace of mind to know what your cash is doing during a downturn.