7 Leadership Traits Candidates Love in Today’s Hiring Market

7 Leadership Traits Candidates Love in Today’s Hiring Market Everyone wants to hire the best and brightest talent, especially in today’s economy. But what are those highly sought-after candidates looking for in an employer?  Building a stellar team is a little...

8 Reasons to Hire a CFO in 2023

8 Reasons to Hire a CFO in 2023 Trust is the word of the year for entrepreneurs: trust in your business model and your numbers, earning trust from your investors, and building a trustworthy team to keep every part of your company on track. Financial confidence is more...

How Hiring a CFO Builds Resilience in Any Economy

How Hiring a CFO Builds Resilience in Any Economy Is hiring a CFO part of your growth plan for 2023? If not, and you don’t already have someone you trust filling that role, then it’s time to take action.  According to JP Morgan, the U.S. economy is likely to remain...

5 Books to Stuff Your Stocking This Holiday Season

5 Books to Stuff Your Stocking This Holiday Season Looking for the perfect gift for the entrepreneur on your list (or maybe a little something to stuff in your own stocking)? Give the gift of thought leadership! This holiday season, we invite you to join us in using...