Why Your Controller Should Get You Financial Statements In 10 Days Decisions, decisions, decisions. When starting or running your own business, there is no shortage of choices to make. And it’s likely that most of these decisions need to be made quickly, too. But...
What Would An Investor Thinkof Your Financials? Are Your Investors Ready To See Your Financials? As we’ve discussed previously, there is no better time to find investors for your company. For the past seven years of recovery from the Great Recession, there has been an...
AaaS: Made For Entrepreneurs By Entrepreneurs From the Desk of Brooke Evans, Founder and CEO of CFO Alliance, Inc. When I started my entrepreneurial journey with CFO Alliance in 2008, I was fueled by an aspiration to serve entrepreneurs by providing them with access...
Income statements and balance sheets and cash flow – oh, my! The three major financial statements required under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are often enough to evoke sheer terror from even the steeliest entrepreneurs – and it’s no surprise why....